Tag Archives: ???

two posts in one day! Lucky you!

Okay, so this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, and it doesn’t have anything to really do with my exchange, BUT I think it’s important.

So I changed my name, and I like it a lot better. It was weird at first, but now I’m used to it. I know that y’all back home (and Ollie) are always going to call me Alexa because that’s what I’ve been called forever and it would feel fake to call me anything else, but I think that when I go to college and beyond I’ll keep the name Kate.

Those of you who read as voraciously as I will recognize this name change as an awful plot device to show character development, and if I ever do something really cool and have a biography written about me it’s gonna be hella rad to have this little thing put in, but beyond that I feel like Kate fits me better and that’s how it’s going to be.

The only problems that I can really forsee arising is that when I get married, how are people going to refer to me and my husband? Are they going to say Kate and Johan or Johan and Alexa? If mom is ever talking to one of my college friends at a party or something and she says “Oh yes, Johan and Alexa are so adorable together!” my college friend is going to be like “VA?!” and think that we’re in a polygamous marriage or something! The other problem is what if something really traumatic happens to me, say, being kidnapped and thrown into a river, and I develop Multiple Personality Disorder in order to suppress it? Who will be the real me? Kate or Alexa? Schizophrenia will be hard enough to deal with without not know what my name really is. Dang you guys. Dang. If this ever happens, don’t even use my name. Just pat me on the head and tell me it’s okay.