Tag Archives: BROWN HAIR! Hallelujah

A quick update



No one’s noticed yet and I haven’t said anything, but my hair is 100% fixed! I dyed it one last time yesterday at the advice of Erin Cawley with some mahogany brown stuff. I started off using the gloves that they provide you with, but then I decided I wanted it to be really even and that I wanted to know if I missed anything, so I used my bare hands. I’d say this was a mistake, but it turned out really well, so I don’t regret anything. My hands should be back to normal in a few days.

As you can see from the shadow, unless I’m in good lighting my hair looks like it’s realllllly dark brown, but it’s not green and that’s what counts. Before I did this, I would have the following dialogue with people a million times a day.

Person: What color is your hair?

Me: Damned if I know.


People: It’s kind of edgy looking. I’d never be able to pull it off.

Me: Me either.


People: It’s not that bad?

Me: …thanks?????


Contrary to the way these read, I was laughing the entire time and did not sound like a jerk in the slightest.