Tag Archives: Kate Sings

I Remembered My Camera

dOllie/Kivilcim/whatever-your-name-is-this-is-so-confusing, since Christophe is always away, you should totes teach me French so that I can make friends and give directions to people. I can’t talk to anyone because I’m terrified of people and also I can’t speak French. All day I was trying to remember my French 1 stuff, but all that I could remember was Swedish and bits of Spanish and it was incredibly frustrating. ALSO, twice (count ’em. one, two.) someone pulled over and asked me in French where something was. I guess I didn’t look super touristy because I wasn’t wearing winter clothes and my camera was in my back pocket, but honestly, I look like I’m twelve, do you really think I know where anything is? No, I don’t,



my losing hand

my losing hand

I think Saga won, and then Astrid won, and then I won.

I think Saga won, and then Astrid won, and then I won.

The terrifying stairs leading up to my bedroom. Still not as scary as the ones at Emily's house, though. These ones have little grippy things so that I can't fall down them the way all fall down every other set of stairs.

The terrifying stairs leading up to my bedroom. Still not as scary as the ones at Emily’s house, though. These ones have little grippy things so that I can’t fall down them the way all fall down every other set of stairs.

My bedroom at the chalet

My bedroom at the chalet

I named him Carl. It took me a while to build him because I forgot how to. I literally had to look up a wikihow page on building snowmen just to make sure I was doing it right. Pathetic, I know. It's been a while though, guys. Give me a break!

It took me a while to build him because I forgot how to. I literally had to look up a wikihow page on building snowmen just to make sure I was doing it right. Pathetic, I know. It’s been a while though, guys. Give me a break!

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umJl8t7G0q8 < this is all I could think of while I walked through this

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Look ma! A picture with people in it!

Look ma! A picture with people in it!

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Don’t mind my voice and the fact that I can’t remember the lyrics in that last video. I just wanted to show you guys how amazing the acoustics in that church were! Every other building in my city back in the States is a church, but none of them sound like that because they’re all “modern” and have “heating” and “other commodities older churches don’t have” yeah yeah yeah, okay, but does it echo when I whisper? No. I don’t mind sweating through a church service if it sounds cool when we sing. I mean, we’re Lutheran. All we do is sing. I feel like that should be taken into account whilst building Lutheran churches. The second part of the video is for Jenna because she really wanted to go on a *~European Adventure~* but everything I’ve encountered so far hasn’t been quite what I was expecting to see on a *~European Adventure~* until today. I just wanted to check if our headcanons matched up. So, Jenna? What do you think? Florida or Quebec City? 😉