Tag Archives: Mackenzie (the boy)

It’s Been Awhile

Awhile is such a weird word.


^ McKenzie and I on the trampoline

I’ve got some pictures that I stole from facebook, so I thought I could post them and tell y’all what I’ve been up to since last posting.

this is from the day Connor came to Stockholm

this is from the day Connor came to Stockholm

Connor, Mackenzie, Elle, Narain

Connor, Mackenzie, Elle, Narain

Narain, Grace, Me, Avishkar

Andrew, Narain, Grace, Me, Avishkar, Josh

this is the exhibit that we've been working on for Dorren. I didn't have my camera this day, so I don't have any  photos of the photos we took for the fotografi group. sorry

this is the exhibit that we’ve been working on for Dorren. I didn’t have my camera this day, so I don’t have any photos of the photos we took for the fotografi group. sorry

At Katarina Hissen - Mackenzie, Narain, me, Grace

At Katarina Hissen – Mackenzie, Narain, me, Grace



Emily and I sunbathing at the top of a hill. There was a dog park up there, but there were only like 3 guys in there, so we couldn't pet dogs surreptitiously :(((

Emily and I sunbathing at the top of a hill. There was a dog park up there, but there were only like 3 guys in there, so we couldn’t pet dogs surreptitiously :(((


climbed a statue

climbed a statue

ok, so I’ve been going to school and moping around because wow I’m really tired, but then on  Wednesday I decided to have fika with Sam. After fika we picked up her mum and brother from their hotel and went out for pizza and then toured the city. It was very cool and I liked meeting her mum a lot because I just think it’s so neat to see my friends in their ‘natural environment’ or whatever.

Thursday I decided to go hangout with McKenzie (the girl) and so I called her up and she was like “I’m going to my counselor’s house, but I’ll be done in a bit” and it takes me like an hour to get to her house, so I left pretty much right then and there. I get to her stop and text her to let me know when she’s walking home and I’ll meet her there, and she’s like, “No, come to teatime with me and my counselor!” so I start walking and then I realize that I don’t remember where he lives. I text her asking, and she doesn’t respond so I sat on a fence and pulled out my book. Over an hour and a half later she and Daniel come walking down the road and my feet are ready to fall off because wow my socks were wet.

The next day I decided I wasn’t mad at her, so I went to her house for lunch because my classes ended early. We made brownies and watched Legally Blonde: The Musical and then I slept over.

Saturday her host brother set of the trampoline and Paddy came over. We jumped on it for a while, while Kenzie’s host brother tried in vain to make us do flips. (I still remember chipping my tooth at Keenan’s house, so I’m not very eager to fling myself through the air anymore.) Then I made Kenzie and Paddy watch Hannibal (which they loved, and I know all of you would too if you would just give it chance).

Today I was going to hang out with Paddy but I was very worn out from all my social interactions and declined to watch The Five Year Engagement (eh. Not bad, not good. Jason Segel is looking really old.) and Austenland (v cute, mom. you’d love it.) instead.

My host parents left a few days ago to go to see their daughter in Florida, so my host mom’s parents are here watching us. They are very nice and I like them very much.

I’m going to Kiruna on Monday, so I’m going to sleepover at Sam’s on Sunday and then fly out in the morning with everyone. I’ll make sure to bring my camera!

Me and Will (McKenzie's host brother)

Me and Will (McKenzie’s host brother)

McKenzie's host dad promised he would make me apple pie with ice cream the next time I came over for dinner, so I came over for dinner two days in a row

McKenzie’s host dad promised he would make me apple pie with ice cream the next time I came over for dinner, so I came over for dinner two days in a row

sam's brother (Keaton), Sam's mum (Pam), and Sam (Samantha)

sam’s brother (Keaton), Sam’s mum (Pam), and Sam (Samantha)