Tag Archives: Being Broke

Current Mood: What Have I Done



Departure date: whenever. Probably in a week or so. Who knows. Whatever. It’s fine.

Threw away/Gave away half my room. Isn’t that a sign that someone is going to commit suicide soon? Is this a type of suicide? Probably social suicide. I could be ostracized by my peers. I know everyone reading this will think that that’s ridiculous BUT YOU AREN’T ME, OKAY. LET ME FRET, IT’S WHAT I’M GOOD AT.  I feel like I’m running away, only legally. I should write a book about that. Oh wait. (all of you who read the book I wrote about that should be laughing right now.)

Said goodbye to friends – check. Wait. Uncheck. They keep coming back to see me again and again because we don’t know when I’m leaving and there’s still time. THERE’S STILL TIME!!!!! This makes it worse though. I haven’t really seen them all summer until the last few days when they WON’T GO AWAY. Today they didn’t come by so I spend all day on the internet whispering swedish phrases under my breath. I still don’t know any Swedish. And I’m bored. And it’s 3am and I didn’t even notice. Ohmygod what am I turning into?!?!?!

                  MAIN THOUGHTS OF THE DAY

  1. I am going to be broke when this is all over.
  2. What if I don’t earn that one credit and can’t graduate high school????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  3. School starts in two weeks. WHERE HAS MY SUMMER GONE??????????????? I want to do something rad with my fly friends. 
  4. I am going to gain so much weight no one will recognize me when I come back.

My only hope in all of this is that I turn out to be the main character in a bad YA novel. That way, when I’m the new girl at school all of the cute boys will like me and one of them will have super powers and I’ll be the chosen one to save him. Or he can save me and I’ll discover my super powers and dark past by talking to him in broken Swedish.

This has been a post.