Tag Archives: Participation

Nicholas Charles Horning, You Had Better Skype Me

Last night I went to the Imagine Dragons concert and AHHHHHHHHHHH OMG it was so amazing! I’ve never been to a concert before, so this completely blew my mind.

They had two opening acts: Moth and Flame & Dan Croll

I thought M&F was good, but then Dan Croll happened and they were even better and then Imagine Dragons came on and I wanted to die because they were amAZIIING!!! We were the second or third row from the front, so we saw everything (except for Hannah who is 5’1” and could only see people’s backs. Poor Hannah 😦 ) The whole thing was super intense and I could feel the bass in the bones of the people around me.

Since the refrigerator here is broken, the milk keeps freezing. I quickly discovered that there was yogurt in the door, and it’s been there the whole time, but I’ve never looked at it close enough to notice it. I’m afraid my host family is going to be very upset with me pretty quickly here because I LOVE YOGURT. I love it so much, I think about it all the time. Risifrutti doesn’t matter  when there’s a liter of yogurt and granola at your disposal. Sometimes I’m laying in bed trying to fall asleep and I think about how excited I am to eat yogurt for breakfast the next morning. It’s getting pretty pathetic, you guys.

Today we had hole time for humanistics. Only it wasn’t for an hour like it usually is, it was for three because Humanistics lasts forever. Afterwards we had E-Block until 5:10. Some woman was going to come in and talk about her book about Pompeii, and I really didn’t want to go for several reasons.

1) I didn’t go to Rome with the class, so the book doesn’t really matter to me. I mean, it might have, but

2) I didn’t read the book. So,

3) I wouldn’t be able to ask any questions about it. And

4) If I were to ask questions, they would have to be in Swedish. My Swedish isn’t advanced enough to ask questions about Pompeii and books. Besides that, my heart beats really fast and I sweat for like ten minutes after I answer a simple question in class. I don’t think I could handle the level of participation this sort of thing requires.

5) omg, 5:10? You’re kidding me. That’s less than an hour ago that I would have gotten out of school. Ughhhhhhhh

So, to conclude this thrilling story I went home half way through hole time because after talking to some of my classmates they said it wouldn’t be a big deal if I did.

Tomorrow I don’t have school, so I guess I’ll return my severely overdue library books (Sorry mom. You were right. I can’t handle the responsibility of library books.) and do some NaNoWriMo stuff. I’ll have some stuff for you Ollie!

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A Rant and an Update

Ohmygoodness. Every time someone asks what country I’m from, and I say America, they go “Well, there’s more than one America, you know ;)”

No. NO THERE ISN’T. You asked me what country I was from, and I told you the shortened version of the name of my country. The USA is the only country with the name America in it. You didn’t ask me what continent I came from, you asked me for my country. This isn’t about being politically correct, this is about you being annoying.

Someone said that we need to call the USA the USA instead of America because saying America makes it sound like we think we’re better than everyone, and we need to break that stereotype.

Here’s a nifty tip: Be a nice person, and do kind things for people, and then when they ask you where you’re from, and you say “America,” they’ll think, “Gosh, that American was a really nice person. I guess not all of them I giant jerkwads! In fact, I should like to visit there someday, because I enjoyed this person so much and they represent their country so well, that it sounds like a dandy place to go.”

So, yeah. People need to get over themselves.

Moving on. 

Yesterday no one talked to me and that was great. Then I got a migraine and slept for five hours and when it was time for bed I couldn’t fall asleep until two, so I was tired and grumpy all day today.

I’m a full-fledged vegetarian from here on out. It’s been going great so far. It’s just the smell of fried foods that kills me sometimes. Must. Resist.

OH, wait, that was a lie. I went to a Rotary meeting yesterday, and they talked to me. They’re looking into getting me more than one host family, which is nice, because perspective. Also, I waited outside Dorren for 20 minutes, and my rotary contact didn’t show up, and when I called her, she said that she left through a different door and didn’t see me. So, there was that.

Today I had music class and Sandra decided we needed to change the melody. And I was put in charge of that for some reason. And it’s due on Thursday. And I sing with the rhythm of an unevenly loaded washing machine, so I can barely sing the song as it is. Cool.

Then we had SFF and the teacher was gone, so I sat downstairs and got to know the older, more mature kids in the class, and they’re all pretty great.

Then we watched a documentary about Hang Drums in Religion, and for the second half of class the teacher was at a Dr. appointment, so we went to the computer lab and I studied Swedish.

Then we had the Club Fair and I signed up for a book club, a creative writing club, and a film critic club, because I love to participate when things are organized and there are more than 3 members in the club, and I don’t have any secretarial responsibilities.

Then we had a class photo, and I’m pretty sure I blinked in each shot.

Then I went home and my hands were white because it’s FREEZING outside.

The End.

Can you tell I’m still hung up on the America thing? Ugh. It just really gets to me.

I think this might be their excuse for a corndog. Hank would be very disappointed.

I think this might be their excuse for a corndog. Hank would be very disappointed.

I feel like a Swedish peasant when I hang out in Gamla Stan

I feel like a Swedish peasant when I hang out in Gamla Stan

this is the pretty courtyard

this is the pretty courtyard

Me waiting

Me waiting

Sonya on the royal steed at that museum I went to a few posts ago

Sonja on the royal steed at that museum I went to a few posts ago