Tag Archives: Kalle Anka

God Jul! A week later.

alright alright alright alright. So. Christmas. Um. I’ll give you the videos first and then the explanation? How’s that? I know you can’t respond and I’m just talking to myself, but I like for you, the reader, to feel included here and as if I care about your opinion. Which I do. Which is something I would say if I wanted you to think I cared about your opinion and might not. You’ll never know.

December 24, 2013

December 25, 2013

On the 24th we had a p traditional Swedish ish Christmas. Ulf’s sister and her children came over and I met the third cousin who’s been away at college. She told me that there was restoration at the college she was going to, but I refuse to go abroad for college because I want to know that I’m secure in the degree I’m obtaining. Okay, Ollie? She made her college sound really amazing, but I can’t do it because I’m a very uncertain person.

Back to Christmas though. We had lunch and it was lots and lots of fish and cheese and then we had this cool thing for dessert and I didn’t take a picture of it because I’m the worst daughter ever and I’ll send you the recipe so that you can have to, but not right now because everyone is asleep.

Then the cousins left to go have dinner with their father’s family (I felt so bad, they were going to have to eat an entire other meal and I didn’t think I could eat for the next week after that lunch, much less have the same meal twice in one day. Those guys have stomachs of steel and probably give Joey Chestnut a run for his money.) and we all gathered in the living room to watch Kalle Anka, which is basically old disney cartoons with Swedish dubbing over the top. Some of the cartoons were really old (Think 1940s) and some were really recent (there was a clip with the Characters of Frozen at the end) but mostly it was just Disney princess songs that were supposed to make you feel happy inside.

When the show was over, Ulf-I mean tomten- came in and passed out presents. It made me wonder if Swedish kids ever truly believe that there was such a person as Santa because there was evidence right there that there wasn’t and that the presents had been from parents all along.

ON THE TWENTY-FIFTH Karin, Ulf, and I got up at negative two in the morning and walked to church in the cold. I’m still having weird dreams, so I woke up about a half hour before my alarm went off terrified that I was George Blagden and that I was actually a thrall. Spooky stuff, guys. Church was nice, everything was the same as usual except for in Swedish. The lines that we usually say were said (the whole forgive me, father thing in the beginning, the apostles creed, the Our Father prayer, etc) and I was really dumb and returned the speech book thing and I can’t send it home to show you. Super sorry about that.

Then we went home and went back to bed and did nothing all day because that is the tradition. I’m glad it’s tradition because I was tired and still really full from the day before’s meal. So much fish.

And that was Christmas. Cool Beans. Sorry I didn’t get to this earlier. It was a lot of effort. Here’s some pictures.

This guy in the add on the subway looks like George Blagden when he played Grantaire in Les Mis and it makes me laugh because Grantaire is an alcoholic and this is an ad for non-alcoholic beverages.

This guy in the ad on the subway looks like George Blagden when he played Grantaire in Les Mis and it makes me laugh because Grantaire is an alcoholic and this is an ad for non-alcoholic beverages.

I'm the one on the left

I’m the one on the left



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I'm dreaming of a white Christmas....

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas….
