Tag Archives: Ice skating

I’m dying and I hate everything whymeeeeeeI

I made the post and then I tried to add the pictures and the computer froze and lost the whole post. So. I quit. I’m not rewriting it all, because now I’m in a terrible mood. You get the abridged version.


no. nothing happened. I ate pizza. Here are those pictures I promised earlier.

I was so close.

I was so close.

this is ridiculous

this is ridiculous

Here are some more to tide you over.

secret agent man

secret agent man

tell me who you are

tell me who you are

so mysterious

so mysterious

species please

species please

what kind?

what kind?




this reminded me of the IKEA monkey

this reminded me of the IKEA monkey

IKEA monkey

IKEA monkey


Cafe Dox exchange student gift exchange.

I didn’t participate because I suck at giving gifts.

It was nice

We went ice skating afterwards. I was wearing tights because all my pants were in the wash. I was super super cold (but also super super cute.)

Lots of kids had never seen snow or ice skated.

I was helpful. Made me proud to see them going off on their own. And sometimes they fell, But they got up without help, and that’s what counts.

We went to McDonalds to warm up and ate ice cream because we like to be ironic.

I got home at midnight because I was sitting with Narain and Tanner at Central Station for a few hours after they missed their train home. Had a little heart to heart. It was grand.


Went to see Catching Fire with Hannah, Emily, and Oliver.

The movie theater candy

The movie theater candy

Hannah is like the best friend I had in a past life, Emily is like the friend on the internet I never met in Real Life, and Olver is like the big brother who never came to stockholm with me.

If you guys ever run into these three, you’ll need to step up your wit-game. Clever sarcasm abounds.

Oliver and Narain

Oliver and Narain

Emily and Tanner

Emily and Tanner

Afterwards we looked at the NK display and had our minds blown.

Then we went to a trendy cafe.

Hannah’s bus home was coming, so we left really soon after getting there.

We ran to Emily’s host family’s apartment to get Hannah’s bag, and then ran all the way to the pendltag platform.

My lungs still sting from the cold air.

I think that’s it.


I might be moving to where Hannah lives at the end of the christmas break. So there’s that. No more living in Stockholm. It’s alright. Hannah’s the best. Also, music program at school. I miss singing.


Also, I’ve been staring at dogs when they walk past me, and then they stare at me and they stop sometimes and their owners are like ‘whatchyou doin m8?’ and I keep looking over my shoulders and I can tell the dogs want to be with me. This is my power. I can control the minds of dogs. My YA novel character power has been achieved, not a moment too late either, seeing as it should be at it’s full force around my 18th birthday.

Please Forgive Me!

It’s been forever. I know. I’m sorry. Kind of. Ugh. Nothing incredibly interesting happens that I haven’t already written about, and I don’t want to bore you all to tears. There’s a fun video and some groovy pictures with this post though, so you get twice as much from me this time than normal!



On Tuesday last week I missed my first 2 classes due to a killer headache and on Friday I almost missed that really amazing SFF teacher’s last day because I turned off my alarm and woke up an hour late. I went to school and caught the last 30 minutes of class though and said goodbye and it all turned out okay.

I wrote 4ish pages of that Humanistics paper and I’m supposed to be writing more right now (we get to stay home during humanistics because they don’t feel like booking the computer labs for us at school) but I’m doing this and drinking Apple Cider instead.

I was supposed to see Christal today, but she cancelled and so I think I’m going to email her because I have a lot of things to ask her about EuroTour and London.

Even if I can do EuroTour, I still want to go to London because that’s not on the trip list and it would be silly to not go considering how cheap the tickets are. Aakanksha has some cousins living there near the airport and McKenzie has a family friend closer to the city there, so they’re going to talk to them and see if they would be willing to take us in for a few days, and I need to talk to Christal and see if it’s okay to go.

I jumped a fence on the way back to the train to get home on Thanksgiving because we took a wrong turn and the whole thing was fenced in and I thought we would be late if we didn’t hop over the fence to get to the station. The fence was one of those weak bendy ones though and you can’t exactly climb that type, so I just kind of laid on top and fell over to the other side and I got these freaky looking bruises from it and ripped my favorite pair of tights, and I definitely learned my lesson about floppy fences.

For those of you not in the know, I got accepted to the University of Mary Washington a few days ago and I might have cried a little.

Cecil Baldwin is still always sick (super annoying). OH! I saw his tattoo super close up the other day! It’s a weird scale thing with words written in Hebrew. The real Cecil Baldwin just released another chilling podcast in the Welcome to Night Vale series.

I think I just finished the MVP Elks scholarship. Clap for me. It’s been days.

We go ice skating a lot. I’m going to be a professional figure skater when I get home.

idk. what else do you want to hear about? Thanksgiving was cool? Not much to talk about there though that the pictures and video don’t say. DSC00397

a different library than the usual one I go to

a different library than the usual one I go to

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the statue in the middle of the rink

the statue in the middle of the rink



DSC00454the bruises

Ollie, I found it!

http://onputlocker.me/enders-game-2013/ < HOORAY!

Also, I got lost trying to find the ice skating hall and it was really pathetic and scary. I walked around for about an hour before I finally got there, and by then I was really frustrated and a lil tired so I only skated for about an hour 😦

I think it’s really unrealistic in books when the main character gets a massive amount of information once (instructions, directions, prophecies, etc) and then they can remember everything. Especially since they’re usually told these things when they’re stressed out or caught off guard or when they don’t really understand why they’re getting this information or how important it is. When I ask “How do I get there?” and someone says “Straight on and then a right” I still get lost. I need Dora the Explorer to be reminding me ever three minutes where I’m going or else it’s not going to turn out.