Tag Archives: Misfits

3 days worth of updates

Basically, I’ve been doing nothing. Friday was dull. Only one class that day and then I forgot to go to some carnival or something that was going on a few hours after class got out. Saturday I watched season one of Misfits, today I painted some feathers that I found so that I can use them as trendy bookmarks and I edited TMoNaD. I’m getting a cold. Saga and Astrid are sick too, and we don’t know who started it. It’s too hot to wear cute sweaters or drink lattes so I’ve just been making a million cups of chamomile tea and thinking about writing. No actual writing involved. Maybe another time.

I brought my camera to the city with me when I went to buy the paint for my feathers, but I forgot what I did with the memory chip (it was in my back pocket) so I don’t even have any fun photos to share. Sad day.

Please watch the TheAoJaneEyre. I started it when I was still in Murika, but it’s getting really interesting now. (This isn’t directed at you, dear parents. It’s not the kind of romance you like, mum, and I’m certain papa isn’t interested in gothic literature brought to life in the form of a vlog.)

kk. peace out.