Tag Archives: road trip!

hon-hon-hon, bonjour de France

images download (1) ok, now that I’ve got that out of the way. I’m in France, you guys. Like FRANCE, France. Not some French city like Fond du Lac or Eau Claire. Like, the real deal where people kiss with their tongue and fry their potatoes and grill their toast with eggs and cinnamon. Okay?

I know it’s dumb, but every French book I’ve ever had was published in the mid 1980’s, and I guess I had some delusions that French people were very 1980’s-ish and they’re not. I’m a little put-off, and I’m not entirely sure that I’m ACTUALLY in France because of it.

we stopped at Karin's parent's house on the first night and they were really cute and it was so nice to sleep. After that car trip with Nick to Florida, I swore I would never ever ever go on another road trip that lasted longer than 8 hours, but this whole experience has renewed my hope in Road Trips. It made me miss driving dearly though :( On the bright side, if I ever have a family of my own, I'll always get shotgun or driver's seat since I'm the mumma and I'm in charge! :D

we stopped at Karin’s parent’s house on the first night and they were really cute and it was so nice to sleep. After that car trip with Nick to Florida, I swore I would never ever ever go on another road trip that lasted longer than 8 hours, but this whole experience has renewed my hope in Road Trips. It made me miss driving dearly though 😦 On the bright side, if I ever have a family of my own, I’ll always get shotgun or driver’s seat since I’m the mumma and I’m in charge! 😀

Look familiar?

Look familiar?

Foggy morning in the mountains. Good time for a walk?

Foggy morning in the mountains. Good time for a walk?

It wasn't even cold.

It wasn’t even cold.

I had my coat open the entire time!

I had my coat open the entire time!

Honestly, I was pretty sweaty because everything was uphill and I was really regretting the longjohns.

Honestly, I was pretty sweaty because everything was uphill and I was really regretting the longjohns.

Heck, it was so warm, I decided to take all my winter wear off and sit in the middle of the hiking trail to read. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GOOD OMENS. IT'S A REALLY FUNNY BOOK.

Heck, it was so warm, I decided to take all my winter wear off and sit in the middle of the hiking trail to read. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GOOD OMENS. IT’S A VERY FUNNY BOOK. But then maybe 20 pages later the trees I was sitting under were heavy with snow and they dumped it all on my head and I had so much snow down the back of my shirt. Such is my life.

and then the fog cleared a bit

and then the fog cleared a bit

so I started walking into the village

so I started walking into the village

and then I started running   because walking is slow and I am impatient.

and then I started running because walking is slow and I am impatient.

I stopped to show you guys this river though. I forget what it's called. It's on a map I was looking at earlier somewhere downstairs, but I'm too comfy to look it up again for you. surry :(

I stopped to show you guys this river though. I forget what it’s called. It’s on a map I was looking at earlier somewhere downstairs, but I’m too comfy to look it up again for you. surry 😦

This is for YOU, dear reader! If you have this blog url, then chances are I like you a lot! Or you're a huge creep and stalked me on facebook to find it! If you put that much effort in though to read my silly little blog, you probably like me though, and if you like me, then I like you because people who like me are the type of people I like.

This is for YOU, dear reader! If you have this blog url, then chances are I like you a lot! Or you’re a huge creep and stalked me on facebook to find it! If you put that much effort in though to read my silly little blog, you probably like me though, and if you like me, then I like you because people who like me are the type of people I like.

I was sweaty again when I got to the village and decided to stop running because there were people around and idk about you, but I always stare at runners to shame them into not running and that's what they were doing to me. I mean, where are you going in such a hurry? Is there a fire? Has someone fallen into a well? I don't think so. Slow down there, Speedy Gonzalez. You're making the rest of us Slowpo Rodriguezes uncomfortable and anxious.

I was sweaty again when I got to the village and decided to stop running because there were people around and idk about you, but I always stare at runners to shame them into not running and that’s what they were doing to me. I mean, where are you going in such a hurry? Is there a fire? Has someone fallen into a well? I don’t think so. Slow down there, Speedy Gonzalez. You’re making the rest of us Slowpo Rodriguezes uncomfortable and anxious.

idk which one is Mont Blanc. They all look the same to me. Is it this piece of elevated land? Probably not. I should never be so lucky as to locate it on the first try. They're all pretty nonetheless.

idk which one is Mont Blanc. They all look the same to me. Is it this piece of elevated land? Probably not. I should never be so lucky as to locate it on the first try. They’re all pretty nonetheless.


French architecture reminds me of these fake houses that I saw in a documentary about North Korea one time. There was this really nice city in South Korea near the border of North Korea and the North Koreans built a city across from it even grander with taller buildings in an attempt to get the South Koreans to defect or something, only no one lived in the grand city because all of the buildings were fake and only had one side to them like buildings in stage productions.

French architecture reminds me of these fake houses that I saw in a documentary about North Korea one time. There was this really nice city in South Korea near the border of North Korea and the North Koreans built a city across from it even grander with taller buildings in an attempt to get the South Koreans to defect or something, only no one lived in the grand city because all of the buildings were fake and only had one side to them like buildings in stage productions.

there were lots of windows with bars on them???

there were lots of windows with bars on them???

awkward selfies are the only kind of selfies I'm allowed to do. Mama once told me I should only take photos if there are people in them. Here ya go. Sorry for the lack of people. Like most humans, I'm alone for the majority of my life and I can't exactly photograph myself in front of things I want to show you. So. Here's your Daily-Kate-O-Gram. I'm healthy, still totally alive, and kinda cold.

awkward selfies are the only kind of selfies I’m allowed to do. Mama once told me I should only take photos if there are people in them. Here ya go. Sorry for the lack of people. Like most humans, I’m alone for the majority of my life and I can’t exactly photograph myself in front of things I want to show you. So. Here’s your Daily-Kate-O-Gram. I’m healthy, still totally alive, and kinda cold.

Ulf picked me up around 3:00 and we went up to the skiing area via scary gondola thing? I can't remember what they're called. All I know is that it was slightly terrifying because woWEE WERE WE HIGH UP and also on the way back it was verrrry full of people. Look at that view though. Guys. Look at. that. view. These kinds of views are the sort that make you believe a god. Like, wow. I don't know. If my life were a movie, I think this is where the trumpets would have kicked in.

Ulf picked me up around 3:00 and we went up to the skiing area via scary gondola thing? I can’t remember what they’re called. All I know is that it was slightly terrifying because woWEE WERE WE HIGH UP and also on the way back it was verrrry full of people. Look at that view though. Guys. Look at. that. view. These kinds of views are the sort that make you believe a god. Like, wow. I don’t know. If my life were a movie, I think this is where the trumpets would have kicked in.

The ride down

The ride down

so many mountains

so many mountains

And then today I went for a little walk, but forgot my camera. This is the first time in weeks I’ve had so much sun, and my body went into shock halfway through the walk so I had to come home and lay down to get rid of my stupid sun headache. Tips From Kate: BRING YOUR SUNGLASSES IF YOU GO OUTSIDE, YOU GOOSE!

Later I felt guilty about not going skiing or being outside for long because everyone else is getting fit and I’ve kinda been skipping on the EuroTour fitness thing I promised Hannah I would do, so I did sit ups until I wanted to throw up and then I did some lunges. Probably none of you care about this, but I just wanted to go on record saying that I DID DO SOMETHING WITH MY DAY, OKAY? I DIDN’T SPEND THE ENTIRE TIME WATCHING CHRISTMAS ROM-COMS. OKAY? OKAAAAY? I’ll do more tomorrow. I’ll build a giant snowman or something.